Original Cover Design
(not used)
- 1. Medieval Man
- 2. Who Shot Elvis?
- 3. Excalibur
- 4. The Orbit
- 5. Step Into My Sphere
- 6. The Way Of Love
- 7. All About The Same Thing
- 8. OK Here We Go
- 9. Dont Heel Me Like A Dog Just To Break
Me Like A Horse
- 10. In Canada
Jeans favorite song on the album and why:
The Way Of Love is a song Duane and I were working on. It turned into a Mecca
Normal piece when we were all playing together. We recorded it live, all three guitars,
vocals and drums in the same room, using low volume monitors instead of headphones. Medieval
Man has really odd guitar that creepifies a description of a mans life.
Davids favorite songs on the album:
Who Shot Elvis?
Medieval Man. |