Post Cards & Highlights #4

HIGHLIGHTS from 1994

Mecca Normal played 71 shows in 51 cites on 6 tours.

 HIGHLIGHTS from 1995

Mecca Normal played 33 shows in 44 cites on 3 tours and released Sitting On Snaps. 2 Foot Flame album released.

 HIGHLIGHTS from 1996

Mecca Normal played 29 shows and released The Eagle & The Poodle. The Paris In April (K 7") is on the CITR chart for 5 months! 10 year anniversary of releasing the first album. Jean produces Peter Jefferies’ Elevator Madness.

 HIGHLIGHTS from 1997

Mecca Normal played 30 shows and released Who Shot Elvis?. 2 Foot Flame released Ultra Drowning and played 22 shows. Jean wrote The Ghost of Understanding.

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